BARBITURATE SCREEN, URINE Qualitative screen for Amobarbital, Butabarbital, Butalbital, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital and Secobarbital
This is used to screen for, diagnose and monitor someone on barbiturate abuse and monitor compliance with treatment
Available Centre Options:
Related Tests
- Pathology
Beta HCG – [Any Body fluid]
No special preparation required for blood sample. Do not drink large amount of water before urine collection as this may dilute the urine and cause false negative result
1(0 reviews) - Pathology
Acid phosphatase, total and prostatic fraction
Overnight fast preferred but not required
2(0 reviews) - Pathology
Amylase – [Any Body fluid]
Avoid alcohol intake at least 24hrs before the test
1(0 reviews) - Pathology
Beta HCG – [Urine, spot]
No special preparation required for blood sample. Do not drink large amount of water before urine collection as this may dilute the urine and cause false negative result
1(0 reviews)