Rh (Anti D) Antibody titre – [Serum]
This test is used to screen for Rhesus antibodies directed against the fetus when its blood group is not compatible with mother’s blood because the fetus might have inherited blood antigens from the father. This may cause fetal red cell destruction, anemia, heart failure and death of the fetus in the womb
Pre-test Information:
No special preparation required
Available Centre Options:
Related Tests
- Pathology
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio(ACR) – [Urine spot)
No special preparation required
2(0 reviews) - Pathology
Anti Streptolysin O (ASO) (Qualitative)
You may be instructed to fast for at least 6 hours before the test
1(0 reviews) - Pathology
Beta HCG – [Any Body fluid]
No special preparation required for blood sample. Do not drink large amount of water before urine collection as this may dilute the urine and cause false negative result
1(0 reviews)